Important Updates
Our annual flu campaign has started. For dates, times, and locations, click here.
Test Results
- Result times vary. Allow 24-72 hours.
- If a patient tests at the FSU testing center, their results will be available on their portal.
- Patients who are unable to retrieve their results from the portal and tested at FSU's testing center, will need to speak to UHS Medical Records.
What if my test is positive?
- The "What to expect after receiving a positive COVID-19 test result" webpage has information on what to except.
- If you have come into contact with someone who is expected to have coronavirus or has coronavirus, Stay at home and monitor your health, and if possible, stay away from others. For more information click here .
- Isolation means the separation of a person or group of people known or reasonably believed to be infected with a communicable disease and potentially infectious from those who are not infected to prevent spread of the communicable disease. Isolation for public health purposes may be voluntary or compelled by federal, state, or local public health order.
- For more information on isolation click here.
Additional Resources
- Signage requests (social distancing, wear face coverings, etc.)
- For more information on how to stay safe click here.
COVID-19 Case Statistics
The University is highly encouraging all individuals who will be present on campus to undergo testing for COVID-19. In addition, all students, faculty, and staff are provided an opportunity to notify the university if they have tested positive for COVID-19 through the FSU Daily Wellness Check App. These numbers reflect data collected August 2 through September 4. Numbers will be updated weekly. To access the statistics, click below.
The SAFER Team works with students, faculty, and staff who have been exposed to or tested positive for COVID-19 to provide contact assessment and support.
More on the services offered by the SAFER team can be found on their website.
- If you have maintenance needs, please submit a repair request on the University Housing website.
If a confirmed positive student has on-campus housing, they will be moved into isolation at Rogers Hall or another site until cleared from isolation. They may be asked to share a room.
If the student has questions about transitioning to an isolation hall, advise them to contact the SAFER team ( their RA, or the Housing department at 850–644–2860
Students must be cleared by FDOH to return to their original resident hall and/or on-campus classes.
For more information click here
Campus Resources
- Stay Healthy FSU
- Fall 2020 Plan
- Case Statistics
- Marketing Toolkit
- COVID-19 Testing at FSU
- Register for COVID Testing
- Testing FAQ's
- Return to Student Life
- Return to Student Life Guide
- What's Open on Campus
- Face Covering Distribution
- Virtual FSU
- Calendar of Events
- Virtual Resources
- What if I test positive?
- I was contacted by the SAFER Team. Who are they and what do they do?
- What if I am experiencing symptoms?
- What if I come in contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?
- How much does testing cost?
- When is testing?
- My insurance provider is not listed as an option. The system won't let me go to the next step in the registration process without entering a group number.
- What if it tells me that there are no available times?
- When I registered for the COVID test, a former last name automatically populated. Does this need to be changed prior to testing?
- Is testing mandatory?
- I am planning to live on campus and I was recently tested at home and received a negative test. Can I submit my results to the university in lieu of getting another test on campus?
- I am planning to live on campus and I was recently tested at home and received a positive test. Should I plan to get tested again at FSU?
- What happens after testing?
- Do I need to submit my test results to anyone?
- What type of tests are used?