Fees & Payments
Phone: (850) 644-1640
The office is staffed with experienced and dedicated professionals who will file your medical claims. They communicate with patients and insurance companies to ensure your claims are processed correctly and in a timely manner. We realize that the billing process can be confusing, so we are here to help you better understand what you can expect.
In-Network Insurance Plans
We bill all other Insurance plans BUT we are In-Network with the following at the present time:
- Florida Blue(formerly Blue Cross Blue Shield)
- Network Blue/Blue Options
- Blue Choice/PPO
- Traditional
- Aetna
- Managed Choice
- United HealthCare (Student Resources)
- FSU Sponsored Health Plan
- In-network for all services
- United HealthCare
- Choice Plus
- United Behavioral Health
- Humana (ChoiceCare Network)
- Medicaid (Humana)
- Healthy Horizons
- Already enrolled in Florida Medicaid? If you want to switch from your current Medicaid plan and enroll in Humana Horizons in Florida, you can:
- Text ENROLL to FLSMMC (357662)
- You will need your Medicaid ID number and the account PIN number.
- View SMS Terms of service here: https://www.flmedicaidmanagedcare.com/sms
- Go to FLMedicaidManagedCare.com
- Create a Member Portal Account or chat with a virtual enrollment assistant.
- Call the helpline to speak with a Choice Counselor at (877) 711-3662
- To pick a new plan, you will need your member's birth year and Medicaid ID or Gold Card number.
- Text ENROLL to FLSMMC (357662)
- FSU University Health Services (UHS) must be assigned as your Primary Care Provider (PCP) in order for us to bill medicaid for services rendered. Please call Humana/Healthy Horizons at (800) 477-6931 to verify that UHS is your PCP. If we are not listed, there will be a delay in care until this has been completed.
- OAP (Open Access Plus)
- EPO Connect
- Tricare
- Select
- Prime (Out-of-Network, Referral from your PCM is required)
- Capital Health Plan (CHP) (Out-of-Network for Physical Therapy)
Just because your insurance plan is in-network, doesn’t mean that all services will be covered or paid in full by the insurance company. You still may be responsible for co-pays, co-insurance and deductibles. If your insurance plan is out-of-network, we will still file your claim to the insurance company. However, most out-of-network plans pay less or none of the costs of your services. All insurance plans are different, so call your insurance company to verify benefits prior to your appointment. Their number is typically located on the back of your insurance card.
The health fee is assessed at a set rate per credit hour and guarantees every enrolled student paying the health fee access to care at University Health Services. The health fee does not cover all medical services/charges provided by University Health Services. All primary care office visits will be covered and other services offered at reduced rates. At FSU the health fee also funds the Medical Response Unit, the Center for Health Advocacy & Wellness, and Counseling & Psychological Services.
How Will I Be Billed?
Deductibles, Co-pays, Co-insurance, and charges not covered by your insurance plan will be billed to your Student Central Account after the insurance company has paid its share. This process may take from 30 to 90 days or more. Details on how you can pay these charges are located here: http://fees.fsu.edu.
How Do I Use My Insurance?
How your healthcare is paid for depends on whether you have health insurance and the type of coverage you have. The Insurance Billing Department will file insurance claims for services provided at the Health Center. To help us provide the best service possible, prior to your appointment, call your insurance company to verify your benefits. Their number is typically located on the back of your insurance card.
Here are questions you should ask:
- Is FSU-University Health Services (Tax ID: 59-1961248) (NPI: 1699809236) In-Network?
- I want to be seen for [insert what you want to be seen for]. Is this covered under my insurance benefits?
- Am I responsible for a deductible, co-insurance or co-pay for this service?
- Do I need to get a pre-authorization for this service to be covered?