UHS News 10/31/2023



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Live Well

Discover the nine dimensions of wellness that focus on you as a whole person

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DSA Accolades

Check out the new webpage to celebrate staff accomplishments

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Important Announcements & Reminders  

Updated Friday, October 27, 2023

Important Dates (Check https://hr.fsu.edu/communications/calendars for updates) Collapse Table

Date Holiday
Monday, January 2: New Year's Day 2023 Observed
Monday, January 16: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Monday, May 29: Memorial Day
Monday, June 19: Juneteenth
Monday, July 3: Summer Holiday
Tuesday, July 4: Independence Day
Monday, September 4: Labor Day
Friday, November 10: Veterans Day Observed
Wednesday, November 22: Fall Break Holiday
Thursday, November 23: Thanksgiving
Friday, November 24: Day after Thanksgiving
Monday, December 25: Christmas Day
December 18 2023 to January 2 2024: Winter Break Holiday
Monday, January 1 2024: New Year's Day
750(w)x500(h), preferred ratio 3:2

Upcoming Events and More


Flu shots are NOW AVAILABLE! If you are an employee and would like to receive your flu shot, please contact Latricia Simmons. 

Professional and Innovation Summit: Nov. 9, 2023

For more information, click here. 

For more information, contact Darryl Lovett

Feedback Board

Our new feedback board is now in the Central Registration reception area! This is another way to engage with staff and patients. The question will change weekly – feel free to add a sticky note!

We are receiving some great feedback on our engagement board. Remember, this board is for everyone and questions will change weekly.

750(w)x500(h), preferred ratio 3:2

Positive Patient Comments

To celebrate the great work we do here at UHS, we want to share the patient comments that we receive.




  • Happy Birthday!  

    Marcus Anderson 10/14, Bobbi Brown 11/14, Savannah Shaw 10/15, Dr. Reddy 10/27, Tyressa Judge 10/28, Tiffany Kim 10/29, Sarah Cotton 10/30, Michael Stewart-Meza 10/31.

    If your birthday is not listed or if you wish to not have it listed, please email uhs-marketing@fsu.edu.

  • Awards  

    To see our 2022 award winners, click here. Our 2023 winners will be announced on May 18 at the All-Staff Retreat.

UHS Employee Suggestions

All suggestions will be reviewed by leadership and assigned to work teams as appropriate. You may submit a suggestion anonymously, but if you would like to participate on a team to implement your idea or receive an update please include your name. 

To complete the online form, click here. 

To complete a paper copy, visit your closest program room to obtain a form. Once completed, place the form in the gray lock box.

Below are some of the suggestions that have been submitted and the actions taken: 

  • It would be cool if all staff were able to get an FSU/UHS t-shirt to wear on dress down Fridays.
    • Great suggestion - and since we have not placed an order in several years, t-shirts were ordered. An email will go out when they arrive! 

Hip Hip Hooray

In your program rooms you will see yellow pieces of paper labeled Hip Hip Hooray. The Professional Development Committee wants to encourage our staff to use this simple way to show gratitude to your fellow colleagues and to recognize individuals or groups for a noteworthy act or effort. 

Simply complete the slip and place it in the gray lock box (same as staff suggestions). Someone from the committee will collect these slips and place them on our shoutout boards for you all to see. 

Who deserves a hip hip hooray and what did they do?

UHS Policies and Forms 

The following changes to policy and procedure have been reviewed and approved by the accreditation committee.  Policy changes will go into effect 15 days after this notice of change. Please reach out to Hannah Stone, Accreditation Manager if you have any questions or concerns regarding the policy change within 14 days of this notice @hlstone@fsu.edu .

Policy Updates: 

Forms Updates: 

General Practice Guidelines:

Upcoming Training Opportunities

New Employee Orientation:

  • The UHS Leadership Team will be hosting new employee orientation every month. Staff members who have recently joined our team will have an opportunity to participate in the orientation. Emails will be sent to those employees and their supervisors notifying them of the details. 


Sign up via the UHS intranet under the team building calendar. Please note, the max amount of participants is six per session.

  • TBA

Strategic Planning

To view the strategic plan, click here. 


Our AAAHC survey is approaching (February 2024). Test your accreditation knowledge here

What's new on the UHS website

Click on the link(s) below to see what has been added to our website recently. 

Hand Hygiene Compliance

Great Job UHS on meeting our Hand Hygiene Monitoring Compliance Goal for the months of April, May and June 2023!!!!


What Detracts from WOW Customer Service at UHS: Employee Requests Collapse Table

Detractor Requests Resolution Plan/Details Status Update
No student volunteers in the summer.
Not Started
Telephone wait times.
  • In the process of hiring additional staff in CAU to combat wait times.
  • In the process of updating the hold message to inform callers of other ways in which they can schedule an appointment and to offer information regarding services offered.
In Progress
Building hard to navigate/wayfinding.
  • Signage has been placed on the walls and can be seen upon exiting the elevators. We will continue to evaluate.
  • We will continue to evaluate and make updates 
In Progress
Patients don't know full range of services.
In Progress
Technology limitations - Paper forms (Too Many Forms)
Not Started
Lack of a receptionist in the clinics or waiting room check-in
  • We moved to a centralized approach with check-in and appointment scheduling.
No e-check in
Not Started
Online scheduling does not include all visits
Not Started
Phone etiquette (perceived rude or short)
Not Started
Need for more flexible/extended hours
In Progress
Long wait times and appointment delays throughout UHS services
In Progress
Unrealistic patient expectations
Not Started
Lack of appointment availability
In Progress
Issues with patient insurance coverage
In Progress
Unclear and unengaging signage throughout UHS
In Progress
Lack of psychiatry/psychology services
Not Started
A need for interesting materials available to patients in waiting areas
In Progress
Absence of an onsite pharmacy
Not Started
Rude employees treating patients and other staff with disrespect.
Not Started
Double booking patients
Not Started
Issues with cleanliness
Not Started
Lack of available parking
Not Started
Inability to release medical chart information to patients
Not Started
Patients feeling like their providers do not spend enough time with them
Not Started
UHS feeling too cold (temperature-wise)
Not Started
Patient fears about UHS service costs
Not Started
Inability for providers to give patients service animal certificates
Not Started
Issues with providing class absence excusal notes to patients
Not Started
Not enough time is provided for patients to fill out paperwork.
Not Started
Patients getting cut off/interrupted by providers when giving information about their symptoms, history, etc.
Not Started
Patients checking in on the wrong day.
Not Started
Patients not feeling cared for by providers
In Progress
Slow response times to patient questions, calls, concerns, etc.
Not Started
Staff refusal to use preferred patient names/pronouns
In Progress
Appointment time frames not aligning with the amount of time that is realistically needed for patient issues, diagnosis, and treatments
Not Started
Lack of patient understanding of sign-ins and sign-outs at UHS.
Not Started


Ideas for WOW Customer Service at UHS Collapse Table

Detractor Requests Resolution Comments
Activate EHR resources (all of them).
Accept all insurance.
No balance billing – students see no charges.
Every patient hears from the provider the day after service.
Create UHS tagline.
Customer service experience coordinator for patients.
Pharmacy vending machine for OTC medications.
Incorporate music in the health center.
Announcements for celebrating special days, accomplishments, etc.
Celebrate birthdays (E.g: “Code Birthday”)
Welcome package for 1st visit which includes FSU/UHS swag.
UHS student patient appreciation week
Offsite/mobilize some services to “meet students where they are”.
Creation of wellness rooms in different campus buildings.
Transcription tools to minimize time documenting.
Employee diversity.
iPads/Tablets at check in.
More appointment reminders for patients.
More engaging entertainment for patients.
Comfortable chairs in waiting areas.
Creation of a better system for patient notes needed for class absence excusals.
Hiring more CAU staff and unit secretaries.
“Butler” to walk patients to appointments or referrals.
Color-coded lines on floors to help students navigate UHS.
LED/TV signage showing wait times for each patient.
Standardized notation of patient name pronunciation.
Personalized notes sections for students' personal information to allow easier follow-up with patients.
Reward system for patients who show up on time to scheduled appointments.
Comfort/therapy dog visits for patients.
Bringing back psych services.
Stop double-booking appointments or only double-book appointments that facilitate double-booking.
Cease backfilling appointments.
Staff position(s) created specifically to answer questions and provide information about patient insurance problems.
Provide patients with Band-Aids and/or spot stickers (for vaccinations, blood draws, etc.) with the Seminole Logo.
Ask about and chart patient SOGI (sexual orientation and gender identity)
Posting positive messages and quotes on walls in areas where patient blind weights are taken.
Posting positive messages and quotes on bathroom mirrors.
Letting patients wear capes during immunizations and injections.
Giving out stickers/lollipops after patient appointments.
Providing a raffle each new semester for a free gym membership for a patient.
Giving a $5 gift card out to every twentieth patient.

Weekly Recipe  

This week's recipe is brought to you by: mari kay avant

Pretzel BroomSticks


  • Stick pretzels
  • Plastic wrappers
  • Straws of your choosing
  • String


  1. Cut pretzels into straight lengths
  2. Bundle them in the plastic wrapper to form the broom head
  3. Tie it to a fun straw to create the broomstick

Welcome, New Staff!


Departing Staff

Terri Sanders - Business Office: Last day - Oct. 19

Dameco Manning - IT: Last day -  Nov. 3

Meet the UHS Staff




Supervisors, if you would like to feature your new staff members, send an email to mavant@fsu.edu with the following information: employee name, department, photo (optional), and bio (optional)

Additional Resources 
