FSU Sarasota Campus
You must register in the COVID-19 Testing Registration Portal for a testing appointment twenty-four hours prior to the requested appointment time.
You must bring your driver's license.
Schedule Your Testing Appointment/Review Test Results
Registering for Testing
Testing will be by appointment only. You must register in the COVID-19 Testing Registration Portal for a testing appointment at least one business day prior to the requested appointment time. Once registered, you will report to the testing site located at the Donald L. Tucker Civic Center.
To register using your FSU credentials, click here.
Important things to remember when registering:
- Arrive on the day you selected when registering. If you miss your appointment, you will need to reschedule.
- Be sure that your insurance information is current.
Testing Locations
FSU Main Campus: Donald L. Tucker Civic Center
Panama City Campus: Barron Building, Room 125
Sarasota Campus: FSU/Asolo Conservatory
Testing Cost
The University intends for faculty, staff, and students not to incur any direct costs for testing. We plan for costs to be covered by an individual’s health insurance or for the University to cover the costs if someone does not have health insurance.
Test Type
The test provided by the University is a viral COVID-19 test and NOT an antibody test. The viral test being used detects if the person is currently infected with COVID-19. The antibody test is to determine past exposure or infection. We will not be conducting antibody testing.
The University will not be using the oral swab test you may have seen. We will be utilizing a much less invasive nasal swab test. This type of test causes minimal to no discomfort.
Follow-Up Testing
Employees will not be required to complete follow-up testing in order to be cleared to return to campus after a positive COVID-19 result. However, in some cases, a primary care physician may recommend additional testing. An employee may also opt to complete testing for clearance to return to campus rather than providing a note from their health care provider as outlined above. Visit the Tallahassee Memorial testing webpage for information on testing sites in the area.
There may be other situations where follow-up testing is also appropriate, such as known workplace exposures. In these cases, the employee should coordinate with HR to schedule additional testing.
Initial voluntary testing provided by the University is offered to all employees. However, additional follow-up testing is not automatically provided, except for as authorized by HR in consultation with the University’s COVID-19 Medical Advisory Committee (MAC).
Getting your results
COVID 19 test results will be provided to you by telephone, text message, email, electronic portal and/or letter. You may view your results here https://covidtest.uhs.fsu.edu/, after the results have been reviewed by the provider.
- Results are expected within 72 hours.
- Employee remains at home until test results are received (unless the employee is already working on campus).
- Employees with negative test results are cleared to return to campus.
- Employees with positive test results should inform their supervisor and Human Resources.
- Contact tracing will be conducted for any positive test results.
- The CDC symptom-based strategy will be utilized for return to work after a positive test result and 14-day quarantine period.
Important things to remember:
- Practice social distancing by staying six feet from others at all times.
- Wash your hands often and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth or use hand sanitizer if soap is not available.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face covering when around others and out in public.
- Self-monitor for any symptoms of COVID-19 such as cough, trouble breathing, fever/chills, headache, muscle pains, shaking, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of sense of taste or smell.
- If you do develop symptoms, please contact your primary care provider for additional evaluation and let them know you were tested for COVID-19. Students may contact University Health Services at 850.644.4567 to schedule this visit. Make sure you stay in a specific "sick room" and use a separate bathroom if possible.
- If you test positive, you will need to continue to self-isolate and the local health department will be in touch with you by phone to review additional information and help with contact notification.